Babies seem to cry while placed in lockers.
Miyavi has this song called COIN Locker Baby! And a child is cryong in the back round of the song..
Take the baby out of the locker?!?!?!?!
Why are there coins involved?
This is post 36! Wow I have lots to say..
Well, first things first. I had a weird dream where I went to Japan! And we did nothing!! It didn’t even look like Japan and I was bitching about a waist of money, then I realized it was a dream and got bored so I woke up!. I didn’t feel like flying today.. plus I am in pain.
I Piad my rent!! YAY!!
Alex I love you!!
Here is something I realized…Every action as a equal and Opposite reaction… in my case. Review the following;
Ummm, There is snow on the ground and I am pissed. Its raining so I am happy. I have no money for food I am pissed. I am selling some of my thing’s, I am happy. I am running out of Women things I am pissed. I have my own apartment I am happy. I can’t sleep that well at night I am pissed. I have dreams though I am happy. I Got a can opener I am happy, My Microwave broke right after I am pissed. NO tv, I am going insane, My computer is stabilizing my moral! I need money for Japan I am pissed I don’t have it. I have my first payment done I am kinda happy.. This is where I am now.
Sooo I am caught in between. Is there always going to be things that balance my life???
I have no idea.
I am arguing ‘god" lately. Why he exists in the mind and only in the mind.
I got a question form someone, It is about time.
" Why don’t you look into other religions before you call yourself an atheist??"
I did, and why do I have too?
Why do I have to explain myself to you?
Why is that a question at all?
I have been told to take off my hat!!! HOW DEAR YOU!!!!!!!
I been reading alot about "waring hats" in essays, just so I can be justifide in what i say!!
The link's
Students Answers to the Big question!
I ware My Cat hat with Pride! I have only been asked to take it off Twice in the passed week I been warring it!
Mr. NewfeldSome Weird old conservative Teacher who always wears the Blue sweater!
I am very pissed that the Answers to the Question that I Ask
" Why can’t I ware my hat?"
are always redirected away from the question asked.
I have the highest Marks in Math class!!
! I ware my Hat I Listen to my Music. It helps me!! If i dont have these things I Am distracted by other around me!!
A Distraction to cancel out an unwanted Distraction!! This is what we need!
Kids hide there eyes, they play with them.
If they don’t want to Fucking learn then Let them not fucking learn. I will sit with My cat hat and Enjoy what little years I have left!!
I would like a question to me open on honest! With things other them the Stereotypes to answer it..
"oh just because!!" ---isn’t a answer..
"Its disrespectful??"
" to me.."
" Just because I don’t like it"
SO your enjoying blue shirt that looks like it hasn’t been washed in over 40 years is
Disrespecting my Hygienic cause, so I like you to take that off!!!
The lats part I didn’t say but Damnit..
It better not be a Religious reason, I will ARGUE THAT SO BAD!!!..
And oh Canada, I ware my hat. Who is going to stop me?
The dead can’t see.
They don’t care if cloth is on your head.
Those soldiers died for Stupid causes. WAR IS NEVER JUST!
SO warring a hat is getting me into so more debates other them the one I am supposed to be ranting on.
Let me ware my hat and go Drink your 7th cup of coffee!
I will not conform!
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