Priestshinigami's Quote of the day!

" who's laughing now"

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Boiling the skin off a cat.

I got the cat from the A.S.P.C.A after it had been killed by a high altitude pressure system, that explains why some of the rib bones are missing because that method sucks all the air out of the animal’s lungs and ruptures all cavities. They say it prevents cruelly to animals but I think its Horrible. Then I boiled the cat in Sodium Hydroxide solution tell most of the skin pealed right off, but I still had to scrape the grizzle out of the bones with a Knife, You have no idea how hard it is to get right down to the bones… I have to go on to the present now, But I really wanted to tell you how long it took me to put this thing together. As it is now, Its is extremely useful for students anatomy, Even with the missing rib bones, and can show basic anatomical aspects of many many animals in the same family as felines, that’s the only present use I can think for it,. But its nice to remember as an accomplishment and looks good on collage applications that you did something other in school besides dating. The only future plans I have for tabby- my little brother asked me what it’s name was at the A.S.P.C.A when we went to pick it up and they said its name was tabby, but I think they where kidding him. I mean as far as future plans, I plan to donate it to the Science department of course, and Next year, if there is another science far, perhaps I will do the same thing with a dog, thank you very much for your attention and I hope I win.

Woot, that is annoying.

I had a weird dream. But life goes on.

I am a bit tired today, Not angry or angsty. But a bit tired.

Seven days!!..

Soooooo…….. People can’t stop complaining about boyfriends.

I have one friend whose boyfriend Beats her.
I have another Friend whose boyfriend Gets her pregnant
I have Another Friend who has a boyfriend who lies constantly and uses her.

Sooo what I do I do. I tell them

"Leave him"

they say

" Oh I love him"

" I can’t live with out him"

" Its not like that Janelle, he is just having bad day"….. everyday?

……….what the hell.??

Its not getting me mad anymore because well, look at it this way, when you told the sky is falling everyday for about 3 months…. Doesn’t it kinda old?.

If they wont leave there boyfriends because they beat them, or verbally abusive and sexually, then who am I to stop them! … that sounds so bad but.

I have tried. I tired converting them. But they are thick in the head.

They complain but wont do anything to stop it!!

And same is Kitty’s dad.

Everytime that I hear about him I get angry, It ruins my day. Because he is a complete asshole. But because she can’t do anything about it, I don’t want to hear it. It just pisses me off to the point where I snap at my friends. That’s not good.


I can help you with your problem, you just wont let me. Life goes on.
I am sick of it.
Asking for help the refusing everything.
I am tired of it.
Don’t ever ask again.

On another note. I have a lot of homework. And The hat is dressing up like a girl. W00t w00t. great fun. I must hang out with daydreambaliver before she gets bored all alone up stairs. So Bye byes.
RAVE WITH SUNDAY!!!! Sex drugs and house.

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