Priestshinigami's Quote of the day!

" who's laughing now"

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Wiped out at random!

I JUST HEARD by an awesome sorce that MR smith asked Jonah to Call me from Mr smiths cell phone. wierd or what? why? don't understnad..

teacher is somthing eh?..

Now why didnt you call..

could of needed the cheer up

but thanks Audrey.. You made my day.:P


GoldMatenes said...

everyone said that you were probably sleeping off the jet lag, and there was discussion of a previous time when someone (? I can't remember) woke you up and you weren't very pleased with them.

Priestshinigami said...


Psycat Aurora said...

i was gonna do it but mr smith took the phone away :(

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