Priestshinigami's Quote of the day!

" who's laughing now"

Saturday, June 02, 2007

My list of thingies.

well, My life at this moment goes like this..

This Pic Is my new TAtoo is the near possible future

  1. Find a boyfriend/ Girlfriend (highly unlikely)

  2. Gain 600$ from Flower selling -june ( Deffinitly)

  3. Get laid ( meh)

  4. do Exam ( which i will fail... yes i will, I WILL FUCKING GOD DAMNIT)

  5. Go to out door rave ( called Oxygene)

  6. Murder the elves in my closet which is non-exsistant!(its a fake truth)


Ya, so Basicly My life is so what on its tails, I was thinking bad thoughts you would hit me over but Its all good now.

I am staying with my Alcohol and those things ppl don't know about and wont want me to do!..

Only people i Love and respect to the OT most level know about.. hee hee, if you don't know, your not the specail!!! MUHA HA HA H AHAHA

philip, You will know in time, Others, fuck off!

I am not telling you guys because I know what your going to say, you will hate me, kill me, and desert me when i need you most. why? because your full of yourself and wont take my reasons, (not excuses) formy actions..

Sooo, until I find you a good enoughb friend, Like Philip or Laura, or Jane and 10 other ppl. you will stay in wonder.

on a good note, I made a good 80 bucks Today! yay RENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Anonymous said...

I wholeheartedly disagree with the statements made throughout your life denying the obvious fact that you are an emo. You are so painfully emo, that you must bring attention to yourself at every given moment, you bring so much attention to yourself that you don't even need to cut, but really, you probably do. You are so supremely emo, that you have a blog with a black background. You are so emo that if you stopped bitching for one moment, you would see that there are many possibilities for you out there. Also, you would have so many more friends if you only stopped bitching about everything and being so goddam racist. Not only are you emo and racists, but you are the biggest hypocrite i've ever met. For example; "I will never mention Jonah again, EVER" then you walk into a room for ten measly seconds and you mention him 6 times. Also, you bitch about not having friends, but you treat your friends worse than dog food. The only ones who took you in after you got angry at your other friends and most likely just overreacted, you ditched the second your old friends took you back. Anime club has become your ego-trip and has lost it's primary purpose; enjoyment. There is a reason no one wants to come anymore, you annoy them. You behave exactly like what you hate most; an annoying, pathetic,teenaged girl. You pretend you're mature, but in all honesty, a mature person would realize their faults and fix them, not bitch their way around it.You preach to us all like we're mentally disabled infants, but in all honesty of the matter, you need to realize that you are not at perfect as you think. The teachers are right, you need to get a grib, work harder, and stop raving. NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR YOU BITCH ABOUT YOUR LIFE WHEN YOU COULD DO A NUMBER OF SIMPLE THINGS TO IMPROVE IT!!! One last thing, you must realize that you will be twenty, if you really find yourself mature, stop wasting your money on hair dye, raves, alcohol and drugs and start being smart about someting for once. And for god's sake, eat some damn vegetables.GROW UP JANELLE,GROW THE FUCK UP!

-A select few from the cult that was never yours to begin with

Loud said...

The fact that "grip" is misspelled in an otherwise VERY coherent and nigh-impeccably-written comment is something of a puzzle to me. More so because the "p" and "g" keys are nowhere near each other on the standard QWERTY layout. I suppose I ought to chalk it up to Blogger's infuriating lack of a comment-editing function.

I must, regrettably, disagree with a few of the points which this "select few" makes:

1) A black background is Emo? Try telling Gold that. He'll lay you out something fierce!

2) Your example of "hypocrisy"...isn't. So she made a hyperbolic statement out of anger and frustration; that's not hypocrisy: it's humanity! (I don't recall seeing any machine-minds in the anime club, so I presume you are familiar with the concept of emotions?)

3) Changing one's life is one of those activities filed under "easier said than done". I don't see one offer of support, should she choose to attempt such a change. Speaking from experience, telling someone that they can solve their problems "easily" is NOT GOING TO HELP THEM!

4) You remain anonymous, presumably so that Janelle here cannot take personal revenge against you in word or deed. Prudent though that is, it is also nothing less than a refusal to allow your own flaws and foibles to be laid bare before the world. Cowardly? I might not go that far, but you're in direct contravention of the golden rule here

5) "for God's sake"? Sure, it's a figure of speech, mwhahhhhahwhah... why should she do anything for the sake of a "compassionate" supreme being that - if he/she/it does exist and control existence - allowed a 'soul' such as hers to enter such a state as she is in?
If Janelle is to improve her status, I would submit to you that it should be for her own sake, and not that of "God"

-Loud Blogger

Priestshinigami said...

...Tom if you wanted to tell me this, it would have been so much more hurtful if you screamed it in my face. then i would probably act all emo and slit my wrists lol J/K, anyway. EMO?.. me?...well well well. I wonder as much as your evidence? my wrists arnt slit, I dont have parents to bitch about, and my little sisters jeans are huge! they would never fit on me. anyway... i am posting that comment on my facebook, and to see if its true, one person can not change my whole intire out look on mylife. and Jonah is my friend. of course i talk about him, like i rape phlip, it's all part of the job.

Anonymous said...

I hate to say it Janelle, but I really do agree with tom, I also helped him write the comment. And please don't go around telling everyone I'm only agreeing because I'm his girlfriend, because it's not true. For all the things you say about friends, you really have been a terrible on lately.

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