Priestshinigami's Quote of the day!

" who's laughing now"

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I am Pinky, i am a happy go lucky raver. I do drugs I drink I have fun! I Have Alot of close friends. i love each of them so much! I Have money sometimes, I pay my rent When i can. I Work 2 jobs! I Talk to nice Japanese (MEN) on line. I am 20 years old. I still go to high school, I live alone. I am a twin. I am Black native cuban and Irish. I am outgoing, openminded and not a petifile.

I hang out with people my own age, I chat with people 3 years younger, I acknowlage people 4 years younger, I stay away from ppl 5 years younger.

I can date men 6 years older, not two years younger then me. hardly one year younger. What do they know? nothing! expeccaily if they are still a virgin. Lol/ oh I am one to talk, I kept it tell 19. but i am a woman *wink

I can date wemon Only maximum 2 years younger then me. Never older then me, Like an old ex-friend of mine, I need the power and dominating control of a man when i am with a woman.

I have been to Japan, and I am looking for new dreams.

I Have no Motivation to go to school with Kids anymore, so why bother?.. ( it's secret)

I live downtown, but soon moving to the eat end in my new 1 bed room apartment

some ravers call me mom, because i take care of them.

I always have a bottle of water on me

i always have mento's

I always have gum

I always have my hat and my umbrella

I am Pinky. I am Janelle Denise Niles, I am a Whole different person.

Thank you Jonah Davidson for giving me a reason to defrend you so I don't have to feel guilty in anyway for ANY of my New actions.

I am having fun

I am not killing myself

I am Not thinking of killing myself

I am not cutting my wrists

I am not hangin around 15 year old little boy and girls who think they are *bigger ppl*.. and those 18 year olds.

The one thing that I don't know about myself is if I am Half empty or half full.

My puppet's, My bitches, My Aquantances, my "hi in the hall " friends, My facebook buddies....



GoldMatenes said...


Turning your moods around isn't easy, but we both just did it.

Whatever, you know? If you really do want to do all that stuff, and it makes you happy, go ahead! The point is to enjoy life.

I just have lost a lot of friends to drugs and alchol, that's all. I guess I was still a bit concerned, but things are good, so... whatever!

Good luck, and no matter what happens, keep telling people to stay away from Paul (now THAT'S a self-destructive idiot.)

Anonymous said...

Dear Janelle,

Funny really; I seem to have become an icon on your blog. I must say, I'm quite flattered. I've been doing some thinking as to why you do that, since after all, you are mature and you wouldnt let this get to your head, since i am after all merely a "fifteen year old little boy". Yet that doesn't appear to be the case.

Over the course of the month I still seem to be the target of constant bombardments of comments that are intended to make my opinion lose its meaning. Shall we say, a poor attempt to ridicule me.

The very reason of this is because it doesnt agree with you. But wait, aren't you the outspoken girl who encourages people (or to use your terminology, "little boys") to "think for themselves"? Another obvious point proven in my previous statemtn. You are indeed very hypocritical.

But allow me to return to my original point. Why wont you get over my comment and see it for what it (supposedly) is, just a little boy's comment? It seems to me that this may prove that subconciously you perhaps agree with what I'm saying? Did I really hit deep and bug you so much that you must bring it up everytime? Are you telling the world (or perhaps yourself) that my comment meant nothing, while infact, it did? But what should you care about what I'm saying, After all, what should a silly fifteen yearold be doing giving "guidance" to a twenty year old "MATURE WOMAN"?


Priestshinigami said...

oh Tom, It did hit me hard. It is does matter, Because you where Like a Brother to me, and when People you love hit you hard in the face with out warning, It scars. But all's good. I am no longer alowed or even want to be around you next year. soooooo You might exsist, but no longer to me. and thats how people don't get hurt.

GoldMatenes said...

You asked for a translation, so here it is:

"Dear Janelle,

Because I show up a lot on your blog, and you keep bringing me up again with insults, maybe you subconsciously think I am right.

-Tom" would you be able to change my link name please? LOL

Priestshinigami said...

subconsciously eh?... tom tom tom. I am mad at you, I don't agree with you. Understand the difference before you become like the people you hate. Thats a conadencding coment "subconsciously". Because it seems you think you got to me in that fact that I believe you. Man, Fuck off. If u want to have a Grown up converrsation I will talk to you in 5 years when you become a drug addict. assumption.

Anonymous said...

Janelle, if you say you're so mature and you really believe it, then it's probably true. Try and show your maturity by quitting GHS and enrolling in a proper adult school. It's the only way you'll get away from "The little boys and girls" that seem to plague your every day. It will also save you some embarassment and harrasment from teachers.

Anonymous said...

Wait, is that a reflection on your own life there, drug addict?

(me again)

Priestshinigami said...

FUCK NO! i am not a drug addict! thats gets me so fucking mad. I talking about Paul an the other E tards i no at the school. Fuck that shit. anyway. I am not stooping so low as to join a adult high school, how dare you, You want to put me in a possion that will ruin my life more? what the fuck is wrong with you?!? do you EVEN fuckign know whats in Adult high schools??? I might as well geet fuckng raped by a teacher for a good grade you fucking ass hole. Think before you Type tom. Might save you a world of hurt! what do you know what being emmbarassed and harrassed? I don't get either, It's all a fucking joke, Most of the teachers are my friends, the others are like bullies, So fuck them and the horse the road in on.

Psycat Aurora said...

All you're doing with your ridiculous comments is being an asshole. Maybe you should think before you speak and focus on your own life instead of harassing other people.

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