Priestshinigami's Quote of the day!

" who's laughing now"

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Prom and my own personal thoughts... happy thoughts *twitch

soooooo, how was it?... I talked to DDB and she was all like " it was awesome" but no stories?

I am guessing it was pretty Lame, but the fact that jonah and philip arnt answering there phones makes me think that it was a great night! but who knows, i could be crazy?..

Anyway. I have 2 jobs now, i seel flowers (fucking christ) and I babysit full time. (its nice)..

sooooo, I am spending MY money on WHATEVER I want. so fuck you and the horse you road in on.

Soooooo, My party is comming up! yay July 3rd. My mommies house.

I don't want to keep warnign you but you already know so blah!

OH! when i was selling flowers in VENIER! i got touched by 4 homless guys, and 1 tried to stick a candy loly pop in my mouth. EW! annnd another guy asked my phone number. i said know you iidiot.. what do you think? i am as desprate as you?...

Also while i was working, it started raining lik 4 times, and this homless guy was sitting on the curb and i was all lik e" here man, its raining" and i put my umbrella over both of us, and his GIRLFRIEND. which is native for Prostatue Came over Threating to kill me, beat me up and tip over my flowers.....

see, thats a threat!..'

anyway, I hate venier, and blah!

Oh! and another thing, STOP THINKING LAURA HAS NOTHING TO BITCH ABOUT!.... she is my baby, my kitty, my one and only. she doesnt need some condecending remark on how she is taking it to hard!!

soooooooo, What up philip? you have my number! you don't call? make a girl sad. I will get jess after you I will!..

sooooooooo, I am getting a new apartment! in the east end. Hopfully i can have men over and they can stay the night! w00t. lets end my lonliyness!

sooooooo Tom, should I slit my wrists now, or when you say I should?.. i don't know?. It seems i need a 15 year old little boy to tell me if I "am" or not... I must be Soo stupid to not even notice my Own Emo-nissity!! oh Poor janelle, I need a grade 10's guidence!!! ....fuck no!!

soooooooo, maturity..... whats this? a word saying you havnt experinced somthing to wrong it makes you sane?... tisk tsik...

Don't knock unless you tried it. (somtimes)..

I do not sujjest you kill, its not that nice.

But I do suggest you have an open mind for my birthday party, beacuse somthings are coming out in the open. And I am SOOOO ready for you to walk out and have a hissy fit.

Ya I am pointing at you! mr/mrs " I have a problem of what your doing, so i can't be around you right now"....

well then, Don't bother coming to my fucking party if your only going to leave!.....( then go to your girlfriends house down the street) lol!

sooooooooo, on another note. I am going to Nova scotia! yay, somehow.'

:( me sad. It's all good.

2 raves in a row coming up! can't wait! yes i can, but you know what i mean! w00t w00t Boh! Canada and Infected mushroom! then my birthday party. oh what a day we shall have!

Nyquill is my friend after raves!! lol...try it!

I lost my 3rd umbrella, this summer.......

Giant tiger here i come...(blah)

soooooooo, baby is crying, she just woke up, so i must make some lunch and get on with my life.... 9 as Tom says, Lack of one and my poor emo soul )lol...



GoldMatenes said...

Just to tell you, I'm not going to your party, because you obviously don't really want me to come because you think I'm going to cause problems. I won't come and I honestly don't care.

I don't even listen to you anymore, and I don't really care what you think of me or anyone else anymore. Every five seconds you're insulting me, or my friends, and you mock everyone who still talks to you except for Laura.

No, I'm not in league with Tom. I still think his message was overdramatic and anger-driven. But I am definitely not the only intelligent one who thinks this way. You'd be surprised who is tired of your insults.

You brought this on yourself.

So, cope.

Just like we do.

Loud said...

Terribly sorry about not calling back; I did get your answering machine message, though.

I'm...conflicted about your party, to say the least. If the people I know (ie. Gold, etc.) aren't going, then I end up as the only person sitting outside feeling awkward.

I'd like to keep an open mind about this, but there is still such a gap between what I can entertain in my mind, and what my instincts will allow me to accept. Hypocrisy? Perhaps. Still, the fact is that I don't think I would be comfortable with what will be going on. I have no doubt that the people will be nice

sadly, that's not what's at issue.

As for what Tom said, I think that he wasn't entirely wrong. That being said, I am willing and ready to see both sides of this issue. For example: you could save money by not going to raves, or at least going to fewer raves. That would be great, except you love to rave. I imagine that it's easy to forget the myriad injustices of this world when intoxicated in a room of pulsating sound and fury, and I believe that everyone should be entitled to their sweet escapes.

The catch is, you can't let the escape become your life. I might not have the necessary life experiences to say that from the heart, but it's common sense enough.

This is rambling, I know (would you expect anything less of me?)

I'll leave off with something more constructive than the others have given you:

Don't be so hard on these people for wanting to help. If you find that they don't understand...HELP them understand. It does you no good to reject all that goodwill, because sooner or later there won't be any left.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to come, but I'm not in the city at the moment. I'll take a raincheck?

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