Priestshinigami's Quote of the day!

" who's laughing now"

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Dropped Philosophy! damn..

I dropped philosophy, eh why not? i had a 19 and there was no way to get it back up. PLus i have to many things driving me up the all right now to even think of a 4U course... But is that a reason or excuse... ... both maybe... bepends on your dinfinition of those two words... here is mine

Reason: an excuse that is justifide with no way out of it other then death

Excuse: a saying for you had the time but no willingness to do it, si a partly true case.

and some other words that People don't really think about but DRIVE ME CRAZY, when said.

Actually: I AM RIGHT YOUR WRONG!.....
example: Well aculally the sky is blue, not green.

...............WEll I AM RIGHT AND YOUR WRONG>

(phrase) How can you say that?: .... this means..... how can you say that to me? You know that would piss me off....
answer to question: ....with my mouth is dork!

I guess: I don't want to, but i have nothing better to do so why not.

well back onto the topic of dropping Philosophy...these are my reasons..

  1. I am trying to FInd a new place to live
  3. My life is a lving hell... that i don't belive in... just the concept..
  4. The work is incredable out of my leage.
  5. My writing is weak.
  6. I can't sepll

That pretty much my look onto it. i basicly just listened to the teacher and didnt do my work, nothing more nothing less. But thats and excuse.

*(Listens to gackt)*.... my MP3 player keeps me sane, on the bus when the white people stare me down for being NON STARIOTYPICAL, listening to music that doesnt start with " my black hoe" or waring clothes right off the billbored. Letting me get through lunch and doing homework... geeting me through a shower without resorting to my own thoughts to drive me mad. To type this Blog with out a thought of homework which i should be doing... I love My MP3 Player.

I need 600 $ for japan. I am trying to get a Loan from the bank but it seems immpossible, i will try the people i babysit for again but nothing certain. Can't trust family, they are milked dry for crack weed and paying off there friends for all of the above.
...somthing; stare at me on the bus, with questions or judgement, because i will stare back with the same thoughts that are Deffinitly not the same, rather cowincidentle.... why at me? why my way? are you looking at the window behind me, can't be, because its caked with slush.... You need not to look my way, to judge me, to want me. I look to my hand, to look to the window with out thoughts other then Gackt and school. a job is what i need because of my color i am judged for not having one....even if i had one.
WHY SAY " not everyone is like that" when you know that they may be... but in different ways... rasist..
rasist is just a word saying HATE. W00t w00t. The white pople found a world for what they were for their WHOLE LIVES.... good boy..
But Being abigit it much the same...
My rasist level is at 3-10.... It was 4-10 but i was proven wrong that all black people are beaten as childern. THOSE LUCKY ASS HOLES! WHY ME?...did I know get 90's in school, DID I NOT wiat for sex, DID I NOT DRINK TELL I WAS OLD ENOUGH TOO!., WHy do I deserve the beating, an oyu deserve the money? Why to I suffer while you eat your 3 meals a day when in your EYES I am much Better then Most>>?!?! ARRG It sucks! I sucks so bad when you hungry, when you cry yourself to sleep because everything around you is crashing down because you can't find a job, or find a sorce of anything!
It hurts! HELP ME
I can't even help my self. My indepenedent soul i sdriving me up the wall! The GUILT i feel when you lend a hand, THE SORROW I cry when you say " it's all going to be okay"..... Is it really?...
time wont tell...

Now is Now. WHY? is just a question... answers are for the rich....
get a back bon e janelle. grow up.... how can you say that... don't look down on your self...Belive in somthing!
leave me alone.... let me cry, let me care for nothing and you live your perfect.......lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'When you find yourself walking into a terrible situation, the best thing to do is keep walking.'

The place I applied at is hiring now and (I think) hired me 2 days after I applied! You should apply there too!

I wish I could do more to help, but I don't know if I can; if I can, please tell me.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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