Priestshinigami's Quote of the day!

" who's laughing now"

Monday, November 27, 2006

Jrockers are nice....

W00t w00t, this sucks! I am having trouble with paying for japan. Duh, always... i need help so bad.
I am moving very soon, december 13 2006 into my friend "tom's" house. For only 2 months but its worth it. The people i live with are very pissed at me, they said they where kicking me out because i WONT get the flue shot, and if I don't and stay they will make me wash everything with bleach! ...Fucking white people!!!!
MY friend Told me it's illigle for them to kick me out over somthing stupid like that but thats just words of the law.. doesnt EXclud the PHYICAL actions of white people... they could

  1. throw all my stuff out on thw lawn while i am at school
  2. change the locks
  3. file faulse clams on me
  4. distory everything i own..

and what can i do? HONOSTLY! to a BLIN 60 year old white woman?..a jury wont listen to a BLACK 19 yera old, the wont want to hear the truth, they wont see the drunk old lady yell at the top of her lungs... wont hear her lies... only say " what is that Black trash doing to this poor old lady"....DOESNT THAT FUCKING SUCK!

well If you Blind your still a bitch!

I am now into MIYAVI, awsome guy, awsome music. Jrockers are very nice. They keep my at peace while i deal with the crap that is all around me..

I am cutting my hair! Dying it.....and bleaching it! SO THERE. I am bored. so very bored..... i look at myself and i see the same thing everything day and its liek staring at the same brick wall for years on end... you wish for a paint brush..or a sludge hammer... EH?

They should right a list for ANY new people that will move into my room when i am gone..

( to live in this house you must;)

  1. Be white
  2. Not on welfare so we don't need to cliam it and scam ODSP.
  3. Be able to CLEAn up after everyone else so we don't need to do it
  4. To laundry only at night, and give your laundry ditergent to everone else
  5. Let the blind lady talk to you about FAULES everything for 3 hours everyday!
  6. Agreee with everything they say even though its WRONG!!
  7. Buy your own fucking food even if you only need a cup of milk.
  8. no friends, family or lovers, because they will steal all they own.
  9. ..did i say white?.....white?...
  10. Hardly speak english..
  11. eat there discusting food that they throw on the floor and cook infrount of you
  12. alow cats to sleep on your bed and throw up all over your stuff
  13. Get your own internert cable
  14. Leave then the well enough alone
  15. but BE socail..
  16. have no self respect so when she says your a " bimbo and a bitch...slut..all th eabove" you take it cry yourself to sleep because you can't do anything because that would mess with the rules and your nothing more then a rent payer with no soul.
  17. Make sure you have Money tatoo'd on yourt head.
  18. Get a flue shot
  19. give all your smokes away even though the blind lady went to the hospital for smoking every other month.....feed the cause.
  20. GETS LOCKS ON YOUR FUCKING DOOR!!! they will come in and snoop at everything you own!....... TRY to do your laundry and mix it up with everyone elses..then when you say that pice of clothing is yours, they say no and it's lost forever!

..Their right your wrong, always.. the sky is green if they say so..and your trash... remember this while you unload your belongings you wont see again...

Laws of the roomates!


me angry, always. make it stop, someone please..

I have a book journal thats 2 weeks over due, a musical to write, and scratching for money i don't have for japan. ARRG! whats up?...fate..

hey fate, I have a question for you... do you have a torch to my life line? or is it just hot in hear you bitch!


My twin is bagging me to stay with her in my mom's house.... I don't know what it is, but it's almost like she wants to watch me crumble under the pressure. You can't change a woman who is just EVIL in every way...
" I wish you where never born, I could of gave you up at the hopital and been done with you"..everyday
" You a fat ass lazy bitch "/.....always...
" you a Nigger and will never be accepted by no white man because your a piece of shit!"...everyday
" Go suck a dick.." She said this to her virgin daughter...
" I wish i could beat you but you will get childerns aid on me!.."...i stopped the beatings....that wa sokay for a little while..
" you bitch".." I fucking hate you"..." You fucking pice of Fucking shit, i hate you , you fucking fat ass! GO back to the hourse you rode in on your ass hole."........Her favorit lines..
" you think your better then us".....<------- well duh!
" Who died and made you queen?" <--------my soul..
" What am I in jail, give me that money" so you can buy drugs?.... no..make me..
" You have 700 in the bank and not enough for milk?!?!".... you have money for 5 joints a day but no money for milk.. at least was accomplishing my dreams you pot head of a mother!...

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