Priestshinigami's Quote of the day!

" who's laughing now"

Monday, December 04, 2006

My Outer is a lier.

oi, whats up? Eh ?? nothing?? arrg.... what new?...ya..arrg

I saw this 1 GB thumb drive at the source by curcit city, it was only 20$, I passed on it though. I need money to payrent. but then the people i live with said its okay if i only pay 50$, W00t w00t. I just have to find 50$.... ha ha ha haha ha...not really..

mY firend isnt going to the dir en gray concert...damnit.. that means only me and i have doubts on going.. Should I? no, i will go,... I wont let anything hold me back..

School is going along well..blah nothing philosophical yet to say, wait for it. i am just thinking about how to put it down.

oh! I remember what it was..


MY new hair, it's awsome. I changed it for me, and only me..why? becuaes i was bored. because i could... what a stupid question!!!!

Why?....why?>> why did i do it?>>>>WHY??!?!... why do you care?.. WHY DO YOU CARE?!?.

why realy do you want to know?... so you can make fun of me behind me back...???
but i don't care what you think about me anyway.. why should i care..

why do i care?... why is that everyone is so worried about everyone else..?

why is it that people don't talk to you unless they want something from you?...

why is it when i change somthing it's a big deal?

WHy do kids say " my parents would never let me do that?"...well.... here is somthing i wanted to say..

YOU ARE NOT LICING WITH YOUR PARENTS FOR FUCKING EVER ARE YOU???!?!?, you have your own choices. stop worrying about others OPIONONS! your own body, your own mind. Give it up! Let it go! YOU HAVE NO REASON TO BE SO SHELTERD!

can't you think for yourself??

is there someone behind you with a gun threating you if you be yourself?? tell m eplease, I might help you beat the crap out of them!!

be yourself please....
  1. a question, not a demand..
  2. " but my parents will ground me!"
  3. " But every one will think i am weird"
  4. " Its cool and all but i will be picked on"
  5. " I have work, cadets an school"
  6. " They will think i am gay, which i am not!"
  7. " MY parents will call me a slut.."
  8. " Why?.... i don't know.."

Damn questions, always with the stupid questions... why?.... want my answer....i will tell you .. BECAUSE IT's YOUR BODY!...

do your parents wipe your ass too?

do you parents spoon feed you?

Do they make you feel singled out at school?

do they make you a clone?

Do they wish you accomplished their dream insted of them doing it themselfs??..

no?...... then why are you so scared to be yourself?...

I know they feed you

I know they give you a roof over your head

I know they are paying for your university and collage

I know they will hate you..

But if you keep living under their rules, there saying.. your not you. Your Mom and dad... what they think you care..

I am not telling you to rebel,, i am not teling you to cry to your parents wishing for diversity..

Be yourself. Live with yourlself as yourself.

BE open!..

.......><.......... My eyes!

On the bus, you look at me with those eyes, those eyes that stare, full of questions, I can answer..just speak up..continuing to stare like that doesnt make me feel unconfertable, but makes me wonder why you do it anyway?.... questoins?

  1. " What was she thinking when she dyed her hair"
  2. "her parents must be tripping"
  3. " SHe looks so punk"
  4. " I wish i had the guts to do that"
  5. " that Bitch has no sence of style.."
  6. " ha ha ha ha she looks like a clown.."
I just rubbed my eye, smudge...d

I am waring make up now.. NOT BECAUSE I THINK I AM NOT BEAUTIFUL.. thanks ot alex i know i already am. and Knowing myself..

blue white purple aqua light blue... and black eye liner.... meh... why?


I want to look like somthing other then the naormal looking school girl.. long straught dark hair.. and nothign to her personality. I want people to know what i am like..inside and out..

I don't want to be judged as that crazy girl.. but that awsome girl dancing in the halls. the one ready to speak her mind.. Open and care free.

to much to ask?..


because i don't ask, I do!

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