Priestshinigami's Quote of the day!

" who's laughing now"

Friday, December 08, 2006

My hair is Bi!

To each there own?.
Nah they are wrong, are they?
Yes they are....

Two devils are speaking.

We had something happen today, we as in me. In Math class, after lunch Me and David were done our work in 15 minutes like always. So I decided to talk to my friends and they where talking about Legalization of Gay Marriage, I’m happy. Because others will be happy. Those opposed to it. I can’t just say they " fuck’em." I will just say, HA HA!.. like they would to us. So, if I married a woman, we could be One in the eyes of the law. Awesome.

The kids in my class said that Stereotypical saying all hetero’ homophobs say;

" It’s Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve"…----atheist so it doesn’t apply to me, Plus.. My opinion, ITS INK ON PAPER PEOPLE!

" They don’t feel pleasure"-------How would you know?

" Next they will allow Dolphins to marry us"------------Are you that dumb, Honestly you believe inter-species marrying… I must Paragraph this, not paraphrase.

----We as humans learn to develop out of are Racism sexism and Killing of thousands -Hitler).. so why can’t we learn to develop out of homosexuality?.. Its so small compared to the others, so why not save it for last? YOU ASS HOLES> We will not be marrying things that DO NOT have RASTIONAL Thought or OUT of are human race! Oh course people might of said that about black people or even women, maybe Jews but that was Hate. Not Love. If two people love each other, let them love each other, if 3, let it be three. 4 doesn’t bother me I just don’t want to say it. Why care if you women or two men love each other?.. because it’s against god?… well you don’t want to get me started on that.

If god is all loving, doesn’t that mean he loves men? As a man? Your concept of god?

" it’s disgusting"---- well sticking your dick into a virgin and letting her bleed all over you while she screams in pain is disgusting too, but your not hounding us about that one are you?

" Aids will spread if Gay people will be allowed to marry" ----- are you another idiot? Aids are in the vast majority of STRIAGHT people! A straight fucking man had sex with an ape (apparently) and spread it. We are not born with aids, we all do not have aids, your just and IDIOT!. Have you heard of condoms?…

"I am scared they will touch me"----aren’t you scared some petifile straight man will touch you too? Or are you into the sort of thing?

" Gay people don’t even have long lasting relationships!"----… umm, yes they do, not all, not all straight people have long lasting relationships either… but your not saying that are you?
So this is what I am talking about, No statistics, just what they are told be hear say eh?> no more no less eh? They don’t have personal expeirance, they are just talking to talk!

They Drive me up the wall--stupid questoins... why wont you get educated corectly?

" Why do you care what people think? I thought you didnt"

This moment, because it involves me. I am offended, I feel threatened, but they aren’t being suspended They are just being kids. I hate this system.

They asked about you Alex. What you think about me being Bi! I laughed of course because we went through this, you don’t care as far as I remember. You love me. I love you.

" your straight now right?"----…. No, I still love tits., you and my mom could have a decent conversation, she would love you as her daughter. Enjoy washing her carpets and I will be happy living with my open personality!

I miss you Kitty, I miss you long time. I wish I could make you feel better, Jonah is sa.d I know, I can’t make him happy like you can, hurry home. Give him hugs, we long you so much! Philip was funny today, you missed Tom riding on his back. CUTENESS, and Jonah kept opening the side door and making it cold.. burrr.. cold..!

First time ever-mentioning JULIA, my kitten, my little ray of sunshine, But they talked about you my little ray! They thought it was gross that you and Franky kissed. So what I kiss you everyday! They are weird, they think if it’s not straight it’s wrong eh?… if its not bent, go ahead make your bridge, but you will need arc’s wont you, you hetero’s!.. evil

My devil is talking to me, these days, not the concept of Lucifer, no my little voice in the back of my head saying " walk away". It’s tell me to forget everything and start over, I shouldn’t though. But the thought it still there.

Has it set in yet?.. meh life goes on.

…oh… I got something else to say, me just think here.

I am a vampire, I am a black panther, I am me. No questions about this please, it just is.

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