Priestshinigami's Quote of the day!

" who's laughing now"

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

nan de fuckingshoka?

Ow, I wiped out on JJ yesterday trying to smash a paint ball on him for fun… ya.. owch, MY HIP MY EYE!!!!

I bashed my face into his shoulder and my hip into the WOODEN frame of the bleachers in the drama studio..



It was a barbecue slash get together with his staff and they played his game where this guy has to massage their feet but it hurts like hell.

Gackt was shouting things like " ow ow owI am going to kill all of you!!" and things of that sort.

They held him down, JU-kun or I think it was, sat on his chest to keep him down.. was that hot? Yes it was!!

I went to Tom’s house to do more slides, and like the loving family they are, they gave me a mop and some more foot.! Sugoi!!

I been exchanging emails lately with Sayuri kawase, she seems so nice and Happy go lucky too! I want to buy her a gift before I go… oh!!

Big News..

I am not going to ANIME NORTH this year, I can not afford it and I really need the money to pay back everyone.

Jonah 20$
Mom 20$
Caff 5$
Sarahs sister 2$
Carly kun 32$…
Janelle’s pride…>< $$$ My visa is like 1566. 66 over the limit.

And Me and hilde where talking about how that REALLY SUCKS!!..
My minimum payment is 160!!..

I really have to cut that thing up and cancel it when I am done paying it. I am going to try to get a number of jobs in the summer to pay back everything, Welfare is cutting my off, so I am screwed on that. But might start back up in September. Hopefully I get enough of a back bone to start doing EVERYTHING all over again/.

Working a lot of hours ot make rent, going to school… getting migrains, you know the normal stuff lol.. Ironically for no reason I am incredibly happy! My hip is bruised and I haven’t done any homework, W00t w00t. My face hurts though..


Ever seen Gackt eat an apple? Do it.

How about Gackt sharing a song?? Never!Joking, this is a Picture of him singing the Taiwanese version of December Love song in Taiwan with his friend

1 comment:

GoldMatenes said...

Please don't worry about paying me. I honestly don't care, not that I don't need the money, but you deserve the break.

By the way, if you want me to, I can pick you up a couple of bucks worth of ramen at GT some morning soon. (2$ = 13 packages!) I know you'd like something else, but I am honestly thinking of getting a stack for myself: it's quite a deal.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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