Priestshinigami's Quote of the day!

" who's laughing now"

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

"our Converstation"

Well not to frighten anyone or anything, but I think i did a good or bad thing by just talking.

I have a way with people eh? somthing wierd but noto say scary

Everyday, mostly i am on the bus with my friend Philp, and maybe Jonah...

We talk, Its a good talk, philisophical talks

I can't spell

Today we talked about my past and how it relates to "our Convertsation".

I got mad for the first time...really mad that i thought i was going to punch him in the face..

not mad at no n o myself really

"Why am i so out of the box"

i grew up as an emotional reck

Why am I loved so?

Is it my personality??

Why do I care so much?

Why am I angry at nothing?

Am I insane?

I only can answer these wierd questions.

Why is it wierd? What is the norm? why are we always thinking about what others think? is that how we live?...WHY WHY WHY WHY DOSHITE?!?

Damnit, I will just live on asking, not knowing, forgetting, changing.. and being one of the 2 in this world who truely understand it

Janelle and Jonah, Two opposites with one mind yet unknowly so, that they can forgive, yet love nothing more then what is given. To hold on to those who we trust to love, to hold on to those who care to listen to lie, never wondering answers if they don't feel that they are needed.
Give me strangth oh my mighty gackt, for you are one person who as stiked me down with your beauty
for My love Alex, I hold my hand awiating knowing cause, not in vain.
I love you, yet why do i hate you oh wierd nothing.


GoldMatenes said...

I think we think about others because we have the ability to. Because we do, it overwhelms us...

Priestshinigami said...

Ya, give me one life to live other then this and i shall fix her with an open heart for her souless body

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