Priestshinigami's Quote of the day!

" who's laughing now"

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

50th Live journals are for wrist cutters.

I baby-sit this Friday! Hopfully… damnit.

Anime club today

A lot of homework due.

Japan is like 2 months away.

Alex seems really busy.

I am getting sick of taking off my hat, it’s cold damnit.

Motivational speaker had no arms, that was interesting.

Balaal is Really egging on memories.

Beth 3$

Anime north is a no show.

I can’t belive I was so strung up to see Scott Mcneil!! Honostly, was I that much of an anime freak I would drool over a voice actor? Dude, its like I jumped into a new body with new Ideas because a year ago I would slap my self for saying it. Anime is not my life.
Its far from my life now, I learned to make my own life up with out resorting to annoying sqeeky girls talk or watching yaoi tell the sun comes up.

I hate fan fics I hate fan art I hate Fan’s! I am annoyed.

I am not just going to Japan for fun.. I am going because I want to create my career there, Not because I like anime. Which is far from the truth.

Oops can’t say hate or teachers will be riding up my ass.

I now it sounds anoying but try living in my shoes when you can’t even say YOU HATE SOMEBODY!!! Its taking my freedom of speech away because THEY think I am going to hurt them…

What are they fucking rasist?? Are they taking the stario type of a black woman hating of a white chick too far?? Or is it because I have a knief? 2 Knives.. SO what


See where I am getting with, we all have knives, they are just being ass holes.

Now, beth said something along the lines of " preaching to the Choir" new phrase for me!!

If you want me to shut the fuck up, just say so!

If I rant its to let go of steam, it’s a good thing.

I am not mad at you if I get angry.

So if you say Peach to the choir again, I will get mad at you! Because I am just trying to let things go by letting it out.

That’s how I got over Elizabeth and Dorree and Gabby and so on and so forth..

I hate women so much more then I hate men. Except Kevin and JD they can go rot ein there concept of hell.

Soo Philip made me come to a sad realization yesterday when he corrected something that apparently was the same thing.

Oh man did that piss me off, not him, no they fact that I am smart as a Grade fucking 9 in a 4U class, I think I said this last year with out actually figuring out what I meant.

I will pass her class no doubt. I will pass Mr. Smiths class no doubt and My Price. They thing is..
With Pity marks.

No matter how hard I try I will fail the courses, its just that because I am so old, They don’t want to see me in high school annoy longer then I have to be..

So when I give my marks over to a university or a collage, I wonder what I they will say when they see I have a 60% in all my Grade 12 courses.. Pity marks.

Fucking christ.

I can’t wait to go to Japan and get away form here.

Bills, bills bills food bills, tax return T4’s homework projects ISU’s, anime club, Slides, Trying to find more money for japan, welfare, start up money which might never come. ARRG!

One thing into the fire at a time. That wont make it go away, I tried.


Alex call me, even if its just a second talk to you,.love ya.

And Laura, the bird is in a happier place in a concept of heaven.


Priestshinigami said...

..not so big eh?

GoldMatenes said...

Oh, by the way, avoid Cheapshot because he has decided that becoming emo is his best chance to advance in society... except he's not even sure how to be emo properly.

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