Priestshinigami's Quote of the day!
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
We all just getting along
What’s new?
Basicly I am staying away from my apartment so I can get better.
What happened.
I stepped in front of a bus, and just because I don’t cut my wrists doesn’t mean I’m not suicidal. Why are 15 and 16 year olds reading this anyway, go to bed! Don’t you have other kids to call emo around your own age?
Anyway, unlike complaining about it and looking for friends to confide in *because the only make it worse* I got a drive to the general hospital and things turned out pretty good.
The put my life on hold so I can get everything back in order, I am looking for a job, smoking all the free weed that comes my way and chilling out.
SOOOOOO guess what I did, I violated 3 conditions.
1.Don’t hang around vex
2.Don’t go downtown
3.Don’t go to OGH
In that order too.
Ya I still love him. Its hard not too, have you lived with someone for 4 month that everyday you saw, and just made you happy seeing him *besides the depression* but its hard to cut all my friends off cold turkey, you might say you can do it, Only because you don’t have too and it’s easy for you to say.
I am so defensive when I write blgos because there is a couple of kids reading this judging me saying “ emo emo emo emo emo emo” and they throw it out like it’s nothing. That hurts being called an emo
My version of emo is Emo; a Youth from 12-18 who takes all there life issues, makes marks on themselves so the world has to know, and complain that there parents are assholes because they wont give the little spoiled brats more money to spend on drugs. Pretty much.
Not a manic depressive Anxiety prone 20 year old who hardly can help it.
Fuck you Gloucester high Grade’s school students. Fuck you. At least the school teachers and social worker understands as I am also an adult, Just because you can’t relate doesn’t mean you can throw Nasty words at ppl. For fuck sakes.
Soooo about vex, he is being pretty nice lately.
What I understand, People don’t smarten up tell you give them such a terrible reason to do so, So I jumped infront of a bug, that shut my friends up. They now realize what they were doing was affecting my mental health.
I’m not your slave
I’m not your mother
I don’t have to give you 50% of everything I own
I don’t have to be guilt tripped to do something nice
Aaannd a couple thing’s was I am easy manipulated, you call me a bitch everyday, I’m going to start questioning my actions. Because if you have reason to say that, it must be true * old way of thinking*
And all my friend convincing m as a group to do something, “oh come on pinky, just stay tell 9, come on” I say no and they all do it.
Now it was me against 5 to 7 ppl bagging me to stay later, but I was already late.
I told them “ fuck you I got to go” *new way of thinking*
They can call me a bitch, they can call me crazy, they can call me phyco, they also can group up on me and verbally harass me, but I wont let it get to me, I wont let them take advantage of me, I wont let me convince me of anything ><. Eeeerrrrg
I was just being nice, fuck you kids, fuck you.
*personal venting warning*
who washed your clothes? –Pinky did
Who let you use her shower whenever you wanted? –Pinky did
Who let you eat anything you wanted, even though she had hardly to any food? –Pinky did
Who let you write all over the wall’s? *and just because Vex did it, doesn’t mean you can. He was just being an asshole*. –Pinky did
Who cleaned your dirty dishes off the floor? –Pinky did
*for The vampire *
Who gave you everything she had just so she could make you happy?
*end of this rant*
fuck, gullible, sex deprived, and everyday grows more annoying.
I’m drinking tonight and going to have a blast.
Oh, did you know one of my other friends died, Murdered, look at the paper you fucking kids and even though she was a street kid like the rest of us, she wasn’t that bad negative image your parents probably gave her, she was a good person…so again.
Fuck you.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
NAh nah nah nah
I have,
an Anxiety Disorder
and all the little panic attacks a girl could need in school.
sooo I now have to make a choice, I can't have friend over everyday anymore, my apartment is mean to me, Anyway, I had to choose someone to stay with me so I don't do anything stupid and to help me through all of this, because I am NOT going ot a hospital where they pump me full of drugs and i become a guess who I chose
Vex. _ where Living together again, Why? " ddnt he beat you?" well well well..
Yes and no, All my friends saw brusies on me and said " if a guy hit u even if you play fighting, he still ment you hurt you."
My friends made me believe he beat me, heres the story,
Me and vex where at Gidgits party and on Shrooms, VEx took my wered so I started to try to take it back my force, we started Play fighting over it and then, Dave comes in the middle so Vex has two people to get off of him, so I have a 220 Pound built man behind me throwing punches at vex who is infront of me and i am squished in the middle taking punches from both sides, my mouth gets cut and they saw blood so they both stopped. we where so loud me and vex, we got Bylaw there lol! ha ha ha haha ha ha,
I lost 8 pounds this month from having Asthmatic Broncitose... no more smoking for me.
anyway, it wasnt on perpose so Fuck you we are together, i lost some friends because i let him back into my life, But The thing is, he makes me happy and is not using me for everything i have like my other friends, he is mking sure I don't smoke, That I don't hurt myself, Taking care of my apartment while I'm away, he is being so nice and treating me like a goddess * in my terms*.
sooooooo school is going well
OGH is awesome
My rent is paid.
and i'm working again.
I'm doing pretty good for someone on the edge, thank you Releases!!!
Sunday, October 07, 2007
2 months!
So fuck you!!!!!!!!
You know how happy i am with My boyfriend and girlfriend?
more then u!!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
Friday, September 07, 2007
Saturday, August 18, 2007
New Apartment, New Semi Lover, Lost 10 pounds and Pretty okay.
in the last three weeks, I have got's a New Apartment!
Sex drugs and house!
no sex, but with a woman It doesnt count for me. So if It did. I have had ALOT of sex. Mew
On day 14 Of partying, I got a Letter of Aviction. Owch eh? but its all cleared. But Aparently, the massive drug consomption and loud noise was the problem.
no it wasnt, A bunch of lies, I didnt do Any drugs that night and I was drinking. not little 15 year olds, and even if they were, i was Passed out. (not responsible) so Dont say I was, I wish i could stay Awake 24 7 like you but sorry I can't.
I have had people staying with me, and now I have a my semi-lover with me.
His Name is alot of Names, But Just to be safe, I wont say it online, I respect him more then i respect you.
we have 3 somes and random Fooling aroundness, Its Very fun. he has a Key, he does not love me as much as I love him. but as long as a get a piece i am happy.
sooooo what do I do now?
I bring homeless teenagers into my home and Feed them, wash there laundry and Let them crash at my house. Why? Because Unlike you Children with Mommys and Dadys Some Kids have been Kicked out and Left for alot of Really Bad reasons, and They HATE Shelters, Much like myself.
So Fuck you and the Roof you live under. When I needed someone to let me stay,.... Where were you? huh? at least they Have someone.
I have cable, And a land line, soon as my Hunny gets his Modem from his brothers, I will have internet. W00t.
I don't have much food, I don't have much money, I don't even have much friends who are like you guys anymore, But thats your fault. I liked u for u. all's good though.
SOooo guess what!!!!!
My Black side of my family HATES ME!!!!!
My sister found out I do drugs,
soo my she tells me Mom after She gets dumped By her 16 year old twin, ( Bceuaes I have nothin on her anymore)
and my mom came up with her own conclution that I am having Massive Sex-Drug orgys at my house, everyday..
soo she took the phone and called EVERYBODY IN MY FAMILY......
.....Oh, how i wish I was having massive Sex-drug orgys at my house... You know!!
hmmmmm? what else?........
I lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks.. not from drugs though, Because you ass holes, iuf I lost it from drugs, I would of lost 40 pounds in March. SO there.
Its because the girl i babysit has all the junk food i Eat constantly, and she went away for a while. so w00t. but its coming bad i bet.
now i need to get laid. IF i do have sex with my hunny,.. I can see it now, On the couch. kitchen, bedroom, all over the floors.
dude, parties rule.
I have like 15 liquer bottles lined up on a shelf in my kitchen,.. from only like 6 days! w00t.
Hard as Fuck was awesome, ( the rave you moron).
Sweaty hot cold hot and dripping. ...
I said I was over then guy I was chasing for 2 months, then he calls me that morning at 7 while we are on the shuddle bus to get home after the rave and he wants ot come over, lets say, he now has my keys.
You men are Fucking Assholes.
Once you can't have it, you want it!
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what else...............
Cops came over, so did By law. heh heh heh, I had a guy with a warrent on his head with me for a while. lets say i didnt know lol!
ehh I am going back to Gloucester high Next year. W00t...
Anime club??? what is an anime club?...somewhere for fucking kids to go and watch cartoons and eat while everyone calls each other Emo's?.. well Fuck that shit. I am giving it up. I am WAYYYYY TO old for somthing sooo......CHILDISH!!!!..
I didnt even go to the Cosplay Rave "lost in translation"
"you have to go, I teach Japanese at carlton, you don't know what you anying.".
fucking kids.
I had 200 emails waiting for my in my hotmail. lol
Oh, this guy who lives with me is Astrian, He is Gothic, long black hair, SHARPENED nails, 9 inches, (beat that Jonah lol) He is about my hight, and is so pale it's a turn on. He is 19, but everyone thinks he is
Fucking Christ he is HOT!
looking back, ,I have no idea what i thought of you! I was so desprate!!!
I am happy, still on edge of course, getting over adviction and family matters is hard but all's good.
Oh, and for you big fat information, without the things i do now, I would be not here. and it's my reason not excuse.
why havnt u called me yet philip, laura? ooohh ya, I have to call you, your my friend, not the other way around.. Gotcha.
Saito masicizum is very Fun.
oh, and to rub it in yout face, my rent is ONLY 85$!!!!! thats right boys and girls.... Eightyfive!
And when i see Tom, and Amz, I will show them my wirsts, I will show them My smile, They will see me hanging with people who Don't Judge, because when your a raver, Drama is somthing for People like you. hee hee, sadly, It still exists between me and you because well, I will be seeing you everyday! Sucks really. Your up there with Steff's brother, JD. and all the other people who I can't stand. Meh. As long as you don't talk to me, I wont fucking think of you!
hey! Have a friend die! Then maybe you will Notice somthing about life!!
Oh wait, your parents might just tell you they moved away., Seeing that thats the kind of People you are.
I still have pink hair! w00t.
man i been working along time.
4 credits left. Watch me go!